Thursday, November 20, 2014

1973 Yamaha GT1 Enduro & Motocross bikes - all mountains reduced by 25%

Starting now, all mountains are reduced by 25%. Trying to take most small motorcycles uphill was enough to get anybody down. Not anymore. Because Yamaha has introduced the GT1 Enduro and GT1 Motocross bikes, with engines that are 25% larger for 1973...if you want a powerful machine that'll take you beyond where the others are going, you want a new Yamaha GT1 or GT-MX. They'll make molehills out of mountains. 1973 Yamaha GT1 Enduro & Motocross bikes - all mountains reduced by 25% 2-Page Ad available at CLICK THE PICTURE TO "BUY IT NOW" Digg It! Stumble Delicious Technorati Twitter Facebook

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